As we exist in a shared reality where exploiting one’s life on social media for the hopes of virality is the norm, here is a classic meditation that puts the ego to the side, reminding us that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. There is no need to prove or explain ourselves to anyone. We do not need to justify our existence. We can simply breathe and just be. This is what living in Grenada, far away from the hustle and bustle of big city living is teaching me.
What if, even just a little while, we focused on our presence. No tittles. No goals to accomplish. No boxes to check. No Instagram reels to curate. No grand answers when someone asks, “So, what do you do?”
I am that I am.
Sit with me for five minutes and meditate on what I have found to be a healing and empowering meditation that has been in practice for centuries.
Inhale. Exhale.
Also, thank you for hanging in there as I paused posting here on Substack for nearly 6 weeks! Eek! I received some major news during my time away that demanded my full attention. Nevertheless, I can’t wait to share the news with you in the coming months.
Much Love!
You Don't Need to Explain Yourself to Anyone